8 steps to listing on the
Long-Term Stock Exchange

The application process to join the Long-Term Stock Exchange is confidential and straightforward. We’re here to provide information, guidance, and support at every step.

Pre-application process

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Long-Term Stock Exchange’s 5 differentiating listing principles and related policy requirements.

Identify Alignment

Identify existing content in your company’s policies, practices, strategy, vision, and culture that aligns with the Long-Term Stock Exchange’s listing principles.

Draft long-term policies

Develop long-term policies that reflect the company’s commitment to long-term value creation and align with the Long-Term Stock Exchange’s principles.

Internal stakeholder input

Vet the drafted long-term policies with internal stakeholders to ensure consensus and gather valuable feedback.

Submit preliminary application

Submit the long-term policies and listing application to the Long-Term Stock Exchange for preliminary approval.

Board review and approval

Board review and approval of the company’s long-term policies and listing on the Long-Term Stock Exchange.

Submit final listings application

Submit final listings application, encompassing the approved long-term policies, to the Long-Term Stock Exchange.


Communicate the company’s listing on the Long-Term Stock Exchange. You’re now a member of the exclusive Long-Term Stock Exchange community.
For more information
For additional case studies, resources, and more information about how listing on the Long-Term Stock Exchange can be good for your business, good for shareholders, and good for the investor community, email listings@ltse.com.
Contact Listings Team

Ready to learn more about 
listing on the LTSE Exchange?

Contact Listings Team
The information contained above is provided for informational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as investment advice, either on behalf of a particular security or an overall investment strategy. Readers should consult their own tax, legal, accounting or investment advisors.

Many of the services outlined in this document are provided by LTSE Services, Inc. LTSE Services and its affiliates, including the Long-Term Stock Exchange, Inc., which is a registered national securities exchange under the provisions of the Securities Exchange Act, do not provide tax, legal, accounting or investment banking or investment advisory services or advice.

Companies are not required to adopt or purchase any tools or services from LTSE Services in order to apply to list on the Long-Term Stock Exchange.

Companies can customize their long-term policies; however, only the Exchange’s independent regulatory staff can determine whether proposed policies meet the principles-based requirements for listing under Exchange rules. Exchange rules differentiate between the products and services that it can offer to prospective listed companies and those that are available to companies currently or newly listed on the Exchange.

Neither LTSE nor any of its affiliates makes any recommendation to buy or sell any security or any representation about the financial condition of any company. Statements regarding LTSE-listed companies are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied. Past performance is not indicative of future results.