Long-Term Stock Exchange Trading Platform Capabilities

Order Types & Modifiers

New LTSE order types and expanded order management capabilities are designed to enhance the overall trading experience for LTSE’s market participants. Members will be able to integrate with the trading platform through the MEMO FIX and MEMO SBE order entry protocols, which support a unified message standard and consistent functionality for order submission, modification, and cancellation. LTSE FIX Drop Copy will now support order and trade drops.
Download User Guide
Step One

Select Order Type

Step Two

Select Market Session

Step Three

Select Time in Force (TIF)

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Step Three

Select Time in Force (TIF)

(1)This modifier is ignored (Market Orders are never displayed on the MEMX Book).
(1)This modifier is ignored (Market Orders are never displayed on the MEMX Book).
Step Two

Select Market Session

Step Three

Select Time in Force (TIF)

(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(2) Orders with this modifier must be displayed (i.e. display is set "true") to enable Display Price Sliding for Reg-NMS. This modifier is also used to enable Re-pricing for Reg-SHO and LULD whether displayed or not.
(3) The MinQty and Reserve modifiers are mutually exclusive. If both are set, the order is rejected.
Step Three

Select Time in Force

(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(2) Orders with this modifier must be displayed (i.e. display is set "true") to enable Display Price Sliding for Reg-NMS. This modifier is also used to enable Re-pricing for Reg-SHO and LULD whether displayed or not.
(3) The MinQty and Reserve modifiers are mutually exclusive. If both are set, the order is rejected.
(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(2) Orders with this modifier must be displayed (i.e. display is set "true") to enable Display Price Sliding for Reg-NMS. This modifier is also used to enable Re-pricing for Reg-SHO and LULD whether displayed or not.
(3) The MinQty and Reserve modifiers are mutually exclusive. If both are set, the order is rejected.
Step Three

Select Time in Force (TIF)

(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(1) Limit orders can be displayed or non-displayed. If set to displayed, the MinQty modifier is illegal and the order will be rejected.
(2) Orders with this modifier must be displayed to enable Display Price Sliding for Reg-NMS. This modifier is also used to enable 
Repricing for Reg-SHO and LULD whether displayed or not.
(3) The MinQty and Reserve modifiers are mutually exclusive. If both are set, the order is rejected.
Step Two

Select Market Session

Step Three

Select Time in Force (TIF)

(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
Step Three

Select Time in Force (TIF)

(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
Step Three

Select Time in Force (TIF)

(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2)Pegged Orders are no troutable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.
(1) Pegged Orders are non-displayed and are rejected for invalid modifier if submitted as displayed.
(2) Pegged Orders are not routable. This modifier is accepted, but is not necessary for this behavior.

Risk management

Safeguards to manage risk, help prevent trading errors, and facilitate compliance with market rules and regulations. 

Integrated pre-trade risk management

Every order submitted to LTSE will be processed through a mandatory set of pre-trade risk controls. These controls include validations for order size, price limits, and overall exposure to decrease risk for members.  

User-configurable settings

LTSE will allow participants to configure their own set of risk controls for an individual session or aggregated set of sessions. Risk controls include collars on the max notional value of orders, pricing orders with percentage-based or dollar-based controls, order size relative to ADV in a security, and disallowing trading in certain order types, modifiers, or securities. Users may also restrict the overall rate of orders, prohibit duplicative orders, and set daily gross and/or net notional exposure limits. 

Automated risk responses

In the event of risk limit breaches, system issues, or market anomalies, our trading platform can automatically execute predefined responses such as pausing or ceasing trading activities, canceling all open orders, or blocking new orders.


We offer connectivity via direct colocation, extranet providers, or telco.

Direct colocation connectivity

Ultra-low latency for fast trading
For members seeking the fastest possible access, we support direct cross-connects into our primary and secondary data centers. 

Extranet provider connectivity

Secure and flexible extranet connections 
through trusted partners
LTSE also supports connectivity through extranet providers for participants who require reliable, secure access but do not demand the ultra-low latency of a direct cross-connect.

Telco provider connectivity

Dedicated private-line 
We also support ethernet private-line services for members that require a telco backhaul.

Market Data Feeds

Direct market data feeds from the Exchange, leveraging the MEMOIR protocol, provide access to real-time exchange data across all eligible securities.

Depth of Book feed

LTSE Depth of Book feed provides order-by-order data for displayed orders placed on the Exchange. Subscribers can also receive last sale, administrative, and instrument directory data.

Top of Book feed

Users that do not require full depth of book can subscribe to our Top of Book feed to receive the LTSE Best Bid and Best Offer (LBBO) in each active security, as well as last sale, administrative, and instrument directory data.  

Last Sale feed

LTSE’s Last Sale feed focuses exclusively on trade execution data, administrative messages, and instrument directory data.

Order book viewer

The Long-Term Stock Exchange Order Book Viewer shows for each security aggregated top-of-book quotations for all orders resting on the Order Book, aggregated depth of book quotations for all orders resting on the Order Book at each price level, and execution information (i.e., last sale information) for executions on the Exchange.
May 13, 2022 - 2:09:43 PM

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