Welcoming Asana and Twilio to the Long-Term Stock Exchange

Long-Term Stock Exchange

Today, Asana and Twilio launch their listings on The Long-Term Stock Exchange, becoming the first companies to choose a new exchange focused on elevating governance. In this historic listing launch, we commemorate Asana and Twilio through a first-of-its-kind signing ceremony. With these listings, the companies affirm their commitment to inclusive and sustainable business practices that are aligned with their employees, customers, shareholders, and communities. “Everything we do at Asana is in service of our mission. We have an expansive long-term vision to help the world's teams work together effortlessly. By listing on LTSE, and launching our first Asana ESG fact sheet today, we are further developing the structures and reporting discipline to align our mission with our key stakeholders — ensuring that our vision endures and that we maximize our benefit to the world,” said Dustin Moskovitz, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Asana.“Creating long-term value for all of our stakeholders has been a part of Twilio’s DNA since day one. Dual listing on the Long-Term Stock Exchange is a natural extension of that commitment, and we believe it will align us with investors and peers that share our values and long-term vision,” said Jeff Lawson, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Twilio. Learn more about Asana and Twilio’s commitments and practices.LTSE was created to support the next generations of iconic companies with the financial infrastructure they need at every stage of their growth. In a heartfelt letter to present and future founders, our founder and CEO, Eric Ries, commemorates this listing milestone by releasing his inaugural Letter to Our Future.Read the letter to our future.

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