Asana and Twilio to list on LTSE

Today marks a major milestone for the future of capitalism. Asana and Twilio have announced their plans to list on the Long-Term Stock Exchange. We are thrilled to have this caliber of companies align with our mission and values, and we believe their decision opens the way for more like-minded companies to consider making this commitment to building a better future for everyone. Increasingly, there is broad recognition in the capital markets that prioritizing customers, employees, communities, and society at large underpins financial success. Asana and Twilio have been trailblazers in their industries. Both companies have always been keenly aware of that relationship and the work needed to make it a reality. Asana has lived out its mission of helping humanity thrive by enabling the world's teams to work together effortlessly. Similarly, Twilio has instilled an equitable approach to talent development in order to build the customer platform they have today. Now, they’re entering the early ranks of companies holding themselves truly accountable to a higher standard of governance and actions. We want to extend a sincere thank you to the teams at Asana and Twilio for making this moment possible. Thank you to Dustin Moskovitz, CEO of Asana, and Jeff Lawson, CEO of Twilio, for bringing your long-term vision to life. Thank you to the employees of each company who work according to the values that define these organizations, while also holding their leaders accountable to the same standards.With these first two companies announcing their plans to list on the exchange, we are excited about the prospect of more companies coming together to create a sustainable future by institutionalizing their intentions and sharing their prosperity broadly.